Monday 7 November 2011

Big B's Funny Twittersation With RGV
Ram Gopal Varma is known for his wit in conversation. 
And Big B Amitabh Bachchan is well known for the same.
Today, the twittizens have got a wonderful pastime going through the twittersation between RGV aand Big B.

Initially RGV started it with the tweet, "Stupidity is nothing to to do with age..I saw a lot of 70 year old idiots nd also lots of 20 year old

Big B replied by tweeting, "right ! And one 70 year old idiot has worked in the maximum number of films in his career with you ..!!"

RGV replied to it funnily, "sarkar me nd lots of idiots lke me are confused whethr u r calng me an idiot or whethr u r saying its idiotic of u 2 work wth me."

Then Big B in his style tweeted, "ha ha ha ah ... you know better by now Sarkaar, that I have never and shall never be able to denude anyone, least of all you !!"

Finally RGV bowed to Big B tweeting, "ahhhhhhhhhhh thanxxxxx sarkaaaar..if u can pls tweet ur feet I want to touch them with relief," posted the filmmaker.

Then Big B tweeted interestingly, "that would be encouraging servility, something that I abhor .. I can, on the other hand, be only servile to my work ..!"

At last RGV last the last word, "vookaayyy u win nd I will SHUT UP NOW."

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